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Phubbing: The Silent Relationship Killer in the Digital Age

Phubbing: The Silent Relationship Killer in the Digital Age

Have you ever heard of "phubbing"? It might sound like something from a futuristic dictionary, but it's a real buzzkill for relationships all around the globe. Let's dive in and...
Breaking the Cycle: Why Do You Sabotage Your Relationships?

Breaking the Cycle: Why Do You Sabotage Your Relationships?

Introduction Relationships can be a source of immense joy and fulfillment in our lives. However, some individuals find themselves caught in a perplexing cycle of self-sabotage, undermining their own relationships...
The 5 Stages Of A Break Up In Film

The 5 Stages Of A Break Up In Film

I know it's cliche, but drowning my sorrows in ice cream and binge-watching movies is my tried and tested method of getting over a break up. It’s a grieving process...
What Happens To Your Brain When You Break Up

What Happens To Your Brain When You Break Up

When you break up with someone, it can feel like your whole world is crumbling. This is not an over-exaggeration, this is your brain is going into overdrive trying to...
My Breakups Weren’t a Loss: They Were a Blessing

My Breakups Weren’t a Loss: They Were a Blessing

Breakups are achingly painful to move on from. I won’t deny that heartbreaks caused my most tear-filled nights. At the time, I grappled with thoughts like: “What went wrong?” “Why...
5 questions you should ask yourself before breaking up

5 questions you should ask yourself before breaking up

I was a serial monogamist for over a decade. I’m not proud to say that I was barely single that entire time. I went through a lot of beginnings but...
Moving on When the Love of Your Life Leaves You

Moving on When the Love of Your Life Leaves You

When you find a person who helps you make of this crazy world we live in, that’s powerful. But with that power comes the ability to devastate you. Which, brings...
5 Tips to Help You Stop Obsessing Over Your Ex

5 Tips to Help You Stop Obsessing Over Your Ex

For a select few people, when they experience a breakup, they feel sad, mourn the relationship, and move on. But then there’s the rest of us: if you can’t stop...
It's Okay to Let Friendships Fade Away: a guide to uncomplicated friendship breakups

It's Okay to Let Friendships Fade Away: a guide to uncomplicated friendship breakups

The amount of people we saw before COVID-19 isolation wasn’t healthy for some of us. It’s okay to trim the fat in your social life, let some friendships fade away,...
Moving In Together Broke My Relationship, but Not the One You’d Expect

Moving In Together Broke My Relationship, but Not the One You’d Expect

I love exploring my neighborhood. Even though I’ve walked the streets a hundred times, I still discover something new: a cafe, a bodega, a park. But lately, my walks are...